Monday, September 16, 2013

Busy days

We are now officially into a month of school. It's been fun adjusting from summer to the fall. My son is now at his dad's living and attending school my girls are still with me going to school. It's been super busy doing the normal school routine plus planing for the wedding. Only 4 weeks to go and even though we're all excited and looking forward to all the changes my oldest is getting emotional.

We've got all the kids clothes and my dress just down to Michael's outfit and shoes as well as my shoes. Our flowers are almost done!!!! I can't wait it can't get here fast enough....

This weekend we move my stuff from storage into the apartment and get to through a birthday party into the mix as well. Busy busy busy... I have faith it'll all get done on time though.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

My summer

This summer has been an intersting yet awesome summer. In years past I have spent my summer with my three children everyday all day. For the first time in almost 12 years my kids were not with me. Well they were but not all day like before only for the weekends. This year they were with their father.

The kids have had fun or near as I can tell anyway. I haven't been alone I met someone. It took almost 2 years and lots of bad online chat sessions and a couple of real life dating situations but I found me a keeper. Michael my sweet man we met on the pof dating site and we hit it off instantly.

July 4th 2013 I was proposed to and for the first ever the one proposing got down on one knee. Not just once but 3 separate times: for me, for a posed picture and then for all four of our children. He's such a trooper I can't help but love him to pieces.

Between the two of us we will have 4 children,,,,3 girls and a boy. He's got a daughter my oldest daughter's age. I can't wait till we get married in October when we can be officially one big happy family.